
  • ObjectStateManager



invisibleQidsSet: Set<string>
objectColorMap: Map<string, TinyColor>
selectedQidsSet: Set<string>
visibleQidsSet: Set<string>


  • Add a set of objects to the selected set


    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery
    • Optional type: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Add the provided objects to the currently visible set of objects


    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Change the color of a given set of objects


    A Promise that triggers when all connected listeners have applied the change


    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery
    • color: Color

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Clear the current selection


    • Optional type: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns

    A Set of the QIDS that are currently invisible. The returned Set must be treated as read-only.

    Returns Set<string>

  • Returns

    A Set of the QIDS that are currently selected. The returned Set must be treated as read-only.

    Returns Set<string>

  • Returns

    A Set of the QIDS that are currently visible. The returned Set must be treated as read-only.

    Returns Set<string>

  • Parameters

    • qids: Iterable<string>

    Returns ReadonlySet<string>

  • Parameters

    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery

    Returns Promise<Set<string>>

  • Remove the provided objects from the current selection


    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery
    • Optional type: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery
    • Optional type: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns

    A Promise that triggers when all connected listeners have applied the change


    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery
    • Optional hideOpenings: boolean

    Returns Promise<unknown>

  • Replace the currently selected set by the provided set of objects


    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery
    • Optional type: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parameters

    • query: Iterable<string> | BimQuery

    Returns Promise<void>

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