Viewer3dSettings: {
    disableDefaultKeyBindings?: boolean;
    keyBindings?: {
        rightMouseClick?: ((event: unknown, qid: Qid) => void);
        [key: string]: unknown;
    rendering?: {
        antialias?: boolean;
    showLoader?: boolean;
    tileSets?: {
        [id: string]: {
            [key: string]: unknown;
        } | "separator";

The settings available for the 3D Viewer

Type declaration

  • Optional disableDefaultKeyBindings?: boolean

    Whether to disable all the default key bindings

  • Optional keyBindings?: {
        rightMouseClick?: ((event: unknown, qid: Qid) => void);
        [key: string]: unknown;

    Possible override the key bindings

    • [key: string]: unknown
    • Optional rightMouseClick?: ((event: unknown, qid: Qid) => void)
        • (event: unknown, qid: Qid): void
        • Function to call when the right-mouse is clicked (or more specifically when the 'contextmenu' event is triggered)


          • event: unknown
          • qid: Qid

          Returns void

  • Optional rendering?: {
        antialias?: boolean;

    Rendering settings

    • Optional antialias?: boolean

      Whether to apply anti aliasing

  • Optional showLoader?: boolean

    Whether to show the "LOADER" div whenever a model is loading, this div can be styled by using the .viewer3d.loader CSS class

  • Optional tileSets?: {
        [id: string]: {
            [key: string]: unknown;
        } | "separator";


    • [id: string]: {
          [key: string]: unknown;
      } | "separator"

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