API Namespace Gis is used for GIS related API calls.



  • Download one or multiple models serialized to CityGML


    Returns Promise<string>

  • Extract the GeoReference from the given Version by using a specific EPSG code. Note, this to persist this extracted EPSG code on the model, subsequently use setGeoReference


    • versionUuid: string
    • epsgCode: string

    Returns Promise<GeoReference>

  • Extract the GeoReference from the given Version by using a specific WKT string. This can be useful for CRS definitions that do not exist in the EPSG database. Note, this to persist this extracted EPSG code on the model, subsequently use setGeoReference


    • versionUuid: string
    • wkt: string

    Returns Promise<GeoReference>

  • Generate a 3D Tiles URL for all models in a specific Node. Keep in mind that the nodeUuid will become part of the URL, and should not be shared publicly Also the content available on this URL is dynamic, when models are added/removed to/from this node, it will be reflected in the tile stream Also the returned URL will recusively read all the models, so also from subfolders


    • nodeUuid: string
    • Optionalsettings: unknown

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Set/update the GeoReference of the given Version


    Returns Promise<unknown>