The current size of this QidSet (number of Qids in it)
emptyAdd a Qid to this set
The Qid to add
Whether the Qid was added, only returns false when the Qid was already in the set
Add all the Qids of the given QidSet to this QidSet
Another QidSet
The number of Qids that were added (already existing ones not counted)
Add a Qid to this set. This method does the same thing as the add(qid) method but can be slightly more efficient in cases where no Qid is available
The Vid (Version UUID)
The Oid (Object ID)
Whether the Qid was added, only returns false when the Qid was already in the set
Remove a Qid from this QidSet
The Qid to remove
Whether the Qid was removed, returns false when the Qid did not exist in the QidSet
The entries() method of QidSet instances returns a new set iterator object that contains an array of [qid, qid] for each element in this set. For QidSet objects there is no key like in QidMap objects. However, to keep the API similar to the QidMap object, each entry has the same value for its key and value here, so that an array [qid, qid] is returned.
Check whether this QidSet contains the given Qid
The Qid to check
Whether this QidSet contains the given Qid
Generates a string representation of this QidSet in the form of a comma-separated and per-Qid double-quoted string
Example: A QidSet with 2 QIDs would be represented as: "227e071d-4909-4b5c-8d48-46f44d027c46-1", "227e071d-4909-4b5c-8d48-46f44d027c46-2"
The returned String is usually used to plug into a String representation of a BQL ( Query Language) query, for example:
GET attribute.Name WHERE qid IN ("227e071d-4909-4b5c-8d48-46f44d027c46-1", "227e071d-4909-4b5c-8d48-46f44d027c46-2")
When allowCompact is enabled the same QidSet would be represented as: "227e071d-4909-4b5c-8d48-46f44d027c46"[1, 2], which is also valid in a BQL query
allowCompact: booleanWhether the implementation is allowed to use the compact representation, defaults to true
A String representation of this QidSet
ofCreate a new QidSet by providing an Iterable, the values in the Iterable must be either:
A QidSet of all the Qids in the Iterable
QidSet represents a Set of Qid. The main reasons why this class exists and should be used are:
This object is Set-like (
The methods on this class are also as much as possible identical to that of the built-in Set class.